Epidemiology Key to Public Health
In Memory of Hoang Thuy Nguyen We had intended to dedicate this book to the Former Director of the Vietnamese National
Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Professor Hoang Thuy Nguyen. While working on the second edition, the sad news
of his death at the age of 89 years reached us. He had been active to the end in giving advice when needed. Hoang Thuy Nguyen, who is considered the “Father of Virology” in Vietnam, studied medicine in Hanoi and Erfurt (former German Democratic Republic). After his return to Vietnam in 1959, he joined the Department of Microbiology of the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, where he was Deputy Director from 1965 to 1974 and Director from 1974 to 1994. He built it up in very difficult times on the existing basis of the Pasteur Institute of Hanoi. He added the field “Epidemiology” to classical hygiene and its icrobiological
foundations and supported its vigorous development. An early and constant search for contacts with scientists all over the world
was a particularly striking element of his endeavors. Epidemiology in Vietnam in theory and practice and, as a consequence, Public Health rest largely on the foundations he laid.
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